Professor Simon Kenny
Last updated: 03/12/2024
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This information has been verified as accurate by the consultant
Last updated: 03/12/2024
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This information has been verified as accurate by the consultant
This information is provided by Professor Simon Kenny.
GMC reg: 3461912Qualified from Birmingham University and trained in Birmingham, Liverpool, Melbourne and Denver. Honorary Professor at University of Liverpool with interests in regenerative medicine and outcomes in paediatric surgery and urology. Clinical Director of Surgery, Critical Care, Anaesthesia and Cardiac at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust 2009-2016. Currently National Lead for Paediatric Surgery Quality and Efficiency Programme with NHS Improvement. National Clinical Director for Children and Young People, NHS England since 2019. Appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the King's Honours list 2024 for services to paediatric surgery.
Paediatric surgery - Paediatric Urology
hypospadias and penile conditions paediatric urology recurrent urinary tract infection minimally invasive surgery lower gastrointestinal disorders
Surveys from patients about the care they received from Professor Simon Kenny.
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Not enough data available to show patient experience feedback. |
Prices provided by Professor Simon Kenny and their associated hospitals.
Nuffield Health Chester Hospital, The Grosvenor
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