We provide unbiased information on all private hospitals and consultants for everyone in the UK to access. Use our site to learn about your chosen private practitioner, or to look for possible hospitals and consultants for your healthcare.

As the independent source of information on private healthcare in the UK, we understand that the sector can be complex, especially for those 'going private' for the first time. We believe that greater transparency and better information not only helps people make more informed choices, but also helps hospitals and consultants to improve their services. 

The government gave us the task of collecting information on safety, quality and costs for private hospitals and consultants, and publishing information to support patient choice.  

We are a not-for-profit organisation and our data is independently verified by the UK's private hospitals, which we work closely with to ensure high levels of data quality. We don't edit out any patient feedback (positive or negative) to ensure our information is as transparent as possible. 

We also work closely with hospitals, consultants, regulators and other public bodies to help monitor and improve standards of care.  

For more information on what we do, read our section on What do PHIN do.

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