This information is provided by Ms Theresa Richardson.
GMC reg: 3560402
Miss Richardson qualified in 1991 from Royal Free Hospital with honours in medicine and surgery and 7 prizes from final year including Esther Frances William prize for overall outstanding success in Final year exams She holds also a Bsc psychology degree and this training allows her able to handle anxious patients with empathy She was lucky enough to complete her specialist training at Moorfields Hospital and the Western Eye hospital where she is now an NHS consultant she has performed over 20 thousand cataracts In high volume cataract centres and is a well recognised trainer in cataract surgery for the NHS. Miss Richardson training skills/experiences means she is well versed to deal with complex cases especially those with high refractive errors or with uveitis or with diabetic maculopathy or age related macular degeneration and those patients for example with dementia who are prone to moving in surgery .Despite her case load being primarily these difficult cases she is proud that her technique of cataract surgery means a very low complication rate She became interested in retinal conditions and uveitis during her training at Moorfields and in her work in casualty at the Western Eye Hospital, a busy eye casualty which sees up to 200 patients a day. Miss Richardson is currently the lead for the eye casualty . She holds 4 NHS clinics per week in retina conditions of which two are specialised injection clinics for diabetes and age related macular degeneration and vein occlusions She operates both privately and NHS. She see her private patient at BMI Shirley Oaks, and her NHS patients at The Western Eye Hospital and Charing Cross hospital.
Additional specialties and sub-specialties
Ophthalmology • Ophthalmology - Diabetic Retinopathy • Ophthalmology - Macula Degeneration • Ophthalmology - Medical Retina • Ophthalmology - Oculoplastics • Ophthalmology - Uveitis • Ophthalmology - Glaucoma • Ophthalmology - Anterior Segment
Additional languages
Special clinical interests
Cataract Chalazion Medical Retina Yag laser Yag pi laser slt macula degeneration diabetic retinopathy retinal tears vein occlusion and artery occlusion Glaucoma Uveitis optic nerve conditions lid lesions anterior segment episcleritis and scleritis chalazion blepharitis acute red eye ectropion lid lesions entropion vein occlusions and artery occlusion