Dr John Coghlan
Last updated: 03/12/2024
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Last updated: 03/12/2024
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This information is provided by Dr John Coghlan.
GMC reg: 2946601Dr Coghlan qualified from University College Dublin in 1983. He trained in cardiology at the National Cardiac Centre (Baggot Street) Dublin, Harefield Hospital and The Royal Free Hospital. He was appointed consultant interventional cardiologist at the Royal Free Hospital in 1997, developing and optimising the primary angioplasty service. He is a founder member and current chair of the National Pulmonary Hypertension Physicians Association and has developed the Royal Free National Pulmonary Hypertension Service, with a particular interest in connective tissue disease associated PH. He has developed an ‘outreach’ model for pulmonary hypertension care attending clinics at Guys & St Thomas’ Hospital, Kings College Hospital, Royal United Hospital Bath, Derriford Hospital Plymouth, Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth and Ulster Hospital Dundonald. From 2016 he has worked in Royal Papworth Hospital delivering balloon pulmonary angioplasty and set up the catheter directed thrombolysis service for acute pulmonary emboli at the Royal Free Hospital. From 1999, he was clinical lead in cardiology with the Regional Health Authority, lead for the North Central Sector collaborative program from 2002 - 2004 and from August 2004 – 2013 medical chair of the North Central Sector Cardiac Network. In addition he was the Head of Service for medical specialties in the Royal Free Hospital from 2001, clinical director of acute medical specialties from July 2004 and Deputy director for medical specialties 2005 - 2009. He has over 120 peer reviewed publications and is cardiology lead for the BAMS (BA in medical sciences) course at the Royal Free Site. He is currently governance lead for the Cardiology Service at the Royal Free Hospital.
Cardiology - Interventional Cardiology
Coronary angioplasty and stenting Hypertension Clinical lead National Pulmonary Hypertension service Royal Free Hospital National Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty Service Royal Papworth Hospital Acute Pulmonary Embolism Service Intervention Lead Royal Free Hospital
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Royal Free London - Private Patients Unit
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