The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) is UK government-backed, independent and unbiased. Since we formed in 2012, UK healthcare providers have invested significantly in building our capabilities. Working with them and other stakeholders – including consultant groups and private medical insurers – we have enhanced our skills, expertise and experience, and now occupy a unique position in the world’s healthcare sector.

Our brochure
How we can help you
PHIN’s data
Tailor-made/bespoke reporting
Samples of our work
Work with us
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Our purpose is to increase transparency in healthcare so that providers can improve their services, and we can fulfil our vision that 'Everyone can make confident choices about their healthcare to get the best outcomes'.

Our brochure

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How we can help you

1. Gold standard in medical data collection

Whether it’s helping to study a healthcare market, collect and process data, or analyse the data you already have, we provide invaluable know-how, analytics and engagement capabilities

We can help you improve your services with best practice solutions and outcomes to attract more customers.

We work with a wide range of independent hospitals, NHS private facilities, clinics and provider groups to regularly, and directly, collect data from more than 600 hospitals and 10,000+ surgical and anaesthetic consultants across the UK.

We collect data from the smallest to the largest healthcare providers, validate and curate it, and output statistically-benchmarked measures of performance, safety and outcome.

We have unique insights into both the private and public healthcare sectors in the UK with benefits for patients, providers and the wider healthcare sector.

Our bespoke processes and information governance structures optimise secure data collection and reporting, allowing benchmarking against competitors and within provider groups, and we can help to identify outliers and anomalies in your service.

2. System architecture to gather and report on data and engage with the healthcare sector

We have built tailor-made web portals giving insights to hospitals and consultants on their practice and performance, and a website visited annually by over 400,000 patients from the UK and worldwide.

We regularly publish private sector activity and quality data, including patient feedback, as well as more in-depth reports on topics ranging from cosmetic surgery to robot-assisted surgery, along with patient-informed articles on a wide range of clinical conditions and procedures.

PHIN holds the Intellectual Property rights for its tangible and licensable Private Healthcare Measurement platform for any commercial arrangement.

Health data analysts in our Informatics team process incoming data to ensure high levels of data quality, identify issues and trends, and generate a range of data reports in different formats.

Our Engagement team has a comprehensive network of contacts across the healthcare sector, encompassing hospitals, consultants and their representative bodies, private medical insurers, patient bodies, government departments and regulators.

PHIN’s data

Our quality metrics and patient outcome information for the UK includes: 

  • procedure volumes
  • patient length of stay
  • patient satisfaction 
  • health improvement 
  • measurements of risk and effectiveness.

This data is used to monitor and report on medical consultant performance – with our Consultant Overview report used in appraisals and revalidations – as well as for hospital group productivity.

Tailor-made/bespoke reporting

We can mine data for comparative insights into hospitals, consultants and private medical insurers. We make the information digestible for governance and informatics teams and understandable to all audiences.

Our data covers a broad range of quality indicators which can all be analysed over time, by: 

  • geography 
  • gender
  • age 
  • healthcare condition
  • and more.

We offer bespoke analysis to answer specific questions to help you better understand your customers’ healthcare needs and at the same time to identify potential solutions that are demonstrably effective.

Samples of our work

  • Market Update – a comprehensive view of usage of the independent health sector and trends over time.
  • Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Explorer – analysis of the outcomes of interventions in the independent sector as reported by patients .
  • Robot-assisted surgery – trends in usage of robotic technology in the independent sector and NHS.
  • Weight loss surgery –an analysis of Bariatric surgery, also referred to as weight loss surgery and metabolic surgery, in the independent healthcare sector in the UK, covering the years 2016 to 2023.
  • Provision of care in the independent sector for children – an overview of the procedures being provided to patients under the age of 18.
  • Data quality in the independent sector – how good is the quality of data?
  • Deprivation and access to the independent sector – an analysis of the volume and type of activity being accessed by each category of the Index of Multiple Deprivation.


Work with us

Our standard reports start from £2,500.

We also offer bespoke reporting related to aspects of hospital or consultant performance and quality, as well as specific healthcare conditions and procedures. Prices for bespoke reports will vary dependent on complexity.

Don’t miss out on gold standard data

Whatever your healthcare data needs or questions, contact us to find out more.

Contact details


Call: +44 (0) 203 479 3810

Want to know more?

Take a look around our website, or read our latest Annual Progress Review to find out more about our work in 2024.

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