Professor Abhilash Jain
Last updated: 03/09/2024
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Last updated: 03/09/2024
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This information is provided by Professor Abhilash Jain.
GMC reg: 4231631Professor Abhilash Jain graduated in 1995 (London) and undertook surgical training to become a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MRCS, 1998). He then began training in Plastic, Reconstructive, Hand and Aesthetic Surgery in London teaching hospitals. He was awarded both an MSc (Distinction) (University College London) and PhD (Imperial College London) for his research looking at the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on the hand.For this work he won many prestigous prizes and publishes papers in world famous journals, including the Lancet. After training in a number of premier plastic surgery units both in London and Sydney, Australia, he was awarded the Plastic Surgery Specialist Fellowship [FRCS (Plast)] in 2008, and entered into the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery in 2009.He has undertaking world famous fellowships in congenital hand surgery, cosmetic surgery and won a place to be the first Plastic Surgeon to undertake a Royal College of Surgeon approved microsurgery fellowship in lower limb reconstruction. He has extensive clinical and academic training in Plastic Surgery and this was recognised when he was the first plastic surgeon to win a prestigious HEFCE Clinical Senior Lecturer-NHS award.In 2013 he was appointed as the Surgical Specialty Lead for the UK by the Royal College of Surgeons to lead clinical research for both the British Society of Hand Surgery (BSSH) and the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPRAS). He founded the Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network (RSTN) to deliver collaborative multi-center clinical research on behalf of BAPRAS and BSSH. He was awarded the Pulvertaft medal and a National Clinical Impact Award for his contribution to the NHS. He is currently an Associate Professor of Plastic and Hand Surgery at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London NHS Trust and undertakes all aspects of hand, lower limb reconstruction, general plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.
Plastic surgery - Hands
Hand Surgery Lower Limb Surgery General Plastic Surgery Paediatric hand and skin plastic surgery Soft tissue trauma Skin lesions Lumps and bumps
Surveys from patients about the care they received from Professor Abhilash Jain.
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Nuffield Health Highgate Hospital
St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
St Mary's Hospital (The Lindo Wing)
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