This information is provided by Dr Christopher Meaden.
GMC reg: 4117726
I have been a Consultant in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine since 2005. I see patients with a wide range of gastroenterology problems. All new and follow up consultations and all endoscopies (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy) are performed by me. If a patient needs additional tests (such as CT scan, MRI scan and capsule endoscopy) then I arrange this. I am The Clinical Director for Lancashire Bowel Cancer Screening Programme and an accredited Bowel Cancer Screening Colonoscopist, which requires a higher level of performance than normal consultant colonoscopy practice. I also train juniors doctors and consultant colleagues in colonoscopy. Patients who are referred to me typically have complaints such as, abdominal pain/discomfort, indigestion/heartburn/wind/bloating, a change in bowel habit (diarrhoea and constipation), bleeding at defacation, anaemia, gallstone problems, abnormal scan results, abnormal liver blood tests (LFTs), or a family history of cancer.
Additional specialties and sub-specialties
Gastroenterology • Gastroenterology - Advanced Endoscopy • Gastroenterology - Hepatology • Gastroenterology - Luminal Gastroenterology • Gastroenterology - Pancreatobiliary Medicine
Special clinical interests
I am the Clinical Director and Lead Colonoscopists for the Lancashire Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. I am also a senior consultant at a regional centre for patients who require complex endoscopic procedures. I have researched in liver disease and endoscopy outcomes and teach endoscopy at a national training centre. My practice involves seeing people who have a range of problems affecting the stomach, bowel, liver and pancreas. Sometimes people may not have many, or any symptoms, but are concerned about their health, or illnesses that run in their family.